Aussie - sounds like Ozzie, short for Australian
hossie - pronounced hah-zie, short for hospital
ute - pickup truck
lolly - a sweet or candy, could be a chocolate bar or a gummy candy or anything other snack-sized sweet
jelly - jello
Aussie rules - soccer similar American soccer, but with different rules, in case talking about ball sports wasn't confusing enough
net ball - looks deceptively like a basket ball court, but don't be fooled, you're not allowed to bounce the ball in this game
bum bag - fanny pack, if you are still willing to walk around wearing a fanny pack, never, ever, refer to it as such.
fanny - it's not the part of the human anatomy that you think it is.
bar (ie. a bar of music)- measure, don't use measure, no one will know what you're talking about
quaver - eighth note
crochet - pronounced the way it looks, not the fancy French way. This is a quarter note
minum - half note
semibreve - whole note
I thought a "ute" was a young person.