Monday, May 14, 2012

Sydney - Days 2-3

On Tuesday I went to the Museum of Modern Art where I saw this:

And this:

And several video art pieces which, to be honest, are not really my thing. Though, I think that this might be obvious by the fact that I'm gravitating towards comic book heros and horror story characters.

There was also this:
Which made me laugh.

I ended the day by going to see a ballet at the Sydney Opera House. The first piece was a modern dance, the second one was a dance narrated by people who couldn't quite remember the story of "Swan Lake," and the last was based on a traditional Aboriginal Australian story and aboriginal dance. I made the mistake of leaving for the ballet without my umbrella and, though it wasn't a downpour, there was a definite steady drizzle happening. Happily, this meant that I showed up at the opera house tired from an day of running around the city and also looking not entirely unlike a homeless person. This is actually a lot more fun than it sounds. I like to imagine that all of the beautifully-coifed people in their formal wear were at least a little discomfited by my damp and frizzy appearance. It's like two shows at once!

On Wednesday I discovered the best part of Sydney, China Town and Paddy's Market. I call it "the best" because it is the best. It's the best. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures because I was too excited to be there...because it's the best. Imagine a building made entirely of Hello Kitty and filled with yummy, delicious sushi. That's kind of what this was like. The only downside? The movie store had no Jackie Chan (boo!).

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